Course Materials & Assessment


Required Text.  Daily G. 1997. Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems.  Access to additional readings will be provided through the course Moodle site and library reserves.  *Students are required to complete all readings prior to class. The class format is primarily discussion-based and readings will provide the basis for class discussions.*

Software.  Natural Capital Project InVEST ecosystem services mapping tool. Students will need to download this free, open-source software to complete a required course project.


Class Discussions.  Participation in class discussions is essential for your success and learning in this course, as they will build on the course materials and foster a deeper understanding of the concepts.

In-Class Assignments.  These assignments may include quizzes on the readings, short group activities, independent writing-to-learn prompts, and time for work on your projects. Students are expected to attend classes and complete in-class assignments during the class period in which they are assigned.

Course Projects.  Two course projects will provide opportunities to practice your skills in ecosystem services. Each project is worth 30% of the final course grade. There are no mid-term or final exams in this course. In an independent project, you will develop a rationale and gather evidence, and make an argument for using an ecosystem service framework for an organism, ecosystem function, or higher ecological unit (e.g., community or ecosystem). You will work on pieces of this project throughout the semester, with the final project culminating in a technical paper and a science communication piece for non-technical audiences.

In a group project, you will use a free online ecosystem services mapping tool and publicly available data to estimate the quantity (and economic value, where appropriate) of an ecosystem service in a geographic location.  Teams will work together to run the model mapping the ecosystem service. The group project will culminate in a group presentation and individual written briefs. See the sample grading rubric for how you will be assessed on this project.

Attendance. Students are expected to attend class. Class work and participation make up a substantial proportion of your final grade.  If you miss a class, you are expected to complete any missed work and are responsible for obtaining notes, assignments, etc., from classmates. Please communicate with me about known anticipated absences ahead of time to avoid missing work, and about unanticipated absences as soon as practical. Please see the official university policy on attendance and excused absences.

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