How are baby mussels made?

Every parent has to explain ‘the birds and the bees’ at some point, but have you ever wondered how freshwater mussels work their magic?  Turns out, it’s not a simple story!

North American native freshwater mussels belong to the Order Unionoida, and have a rather unique life history  strategy, unlike that of other bivalves.  Invasive zebra mussels, Asian clams, and marine oysters have a different birds & bees story.

The tale of our native mussels is filled with weird vocabulary, like spermatozeugmata (= balls of sperm that float through the water) and glochidia (= larvae).  And, fishing is involved – in some cases, the mussels literally catch fish!  If successful, their larvae stow away in the gills of their host fish until their ready to live on their own.  Take a couple minutes and check out their story in this short video produced by The Nature Conservancy – I promise you will not be disappointed!

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